Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 05 PJBL and WebQuests

Hello everyone, I start this week as usual by reading the links provided by Robert the captain of the webskills ship. Reflecting on what I have learned this week, I have gone through the two websites webquest.org http://www.zunal.com/ and Zunal.com. http://www.zunal.com/  From these two websites I could be able to know a little about what is webQuest? Because this the first time I come across this term. However, I have read a PowerPoint presentation from mywebskills.blogspot.com by our colleague in this webskills course Mbarek which was very helpful and informative.
WebQuests are really unique. Learners will get a readymade materials provided to them. Their valuable time is well-considered. Students don’t have to search the search engine, but analyze and evaluate the materials provided to them. Webquest designers provide in advance the task, tools and process that learners will use to produce the target product.
PjBL Project-Based Learning not Problem-Based Learning, because I am not the only person who got confused between the two terms. I think the PjBL is putting the students in the driving seat as my colleague Palwasha said. Teacher is a facilitator and sometimes must go to the back seat and watch how the driving is made.


  1. I feel the same way too. Webquests are ready made materials for use by us and it's in our hands to make the most of them for the benefit of our students.


  2. Hello Ahmed Do you have something in mind or any suggetions? Do you have a project, already? I posted mine in Week 7 Find a partner, but I would like to know your ideas too.
    Regards Ava Norton

  3. great information about the webquest. keep helping teacher in need
    Thank you so much
